Corvin Castle

The first stone fortification in Hunedoara was dated by most researchers in the 14th century, although there are specialists who attribute the royal fort to the first half of the 15th century. 

This first fortification had an ellipsoidal shape, with the north and south ends sharpened, marked by the waist stone. The walls, with thicknesses up to 2 m, were constructed of dolomitic limestone blocks and river stone, directly on the native rock. 

Research prior to World War I have shown that in the northern area there were two triangular-shaped rooms, one of which is probably a dungeon tower, with analogues in the French and German areas of the 13th-14th centuries. Corvin Castle is one of the most interesting constructions dated in this period.

Today Corvin Castle is the best location to bee seen in Hunedoara City, recently the castle suffers modifications and the number of tourists there is increasing year by year, more and more…