Lala Mare Lake

The red dot trail starts on the left side of Lacul Lala Mare lake and ascends to the ridge. It is a short trail, connecting  and after about half an hour reach Saua Gajei saddle.

What is special about it that it is a glacial lake located in the mountains Rodnei under Ineu peak at an altitude of 1815 m. It is the largest glacial lake in Rodnei Mountains with 5637.5 m² surface. Part of Mixed Reserve “Ineu – Lala”. A tarn (or corrie loch) is a mountain lake or pool, formed in a cirque excavated by a glacier. It is formed when either rain or river water fills the cirque. A moraine may form a natural dam below a tarn. Glacial lake is a term from geography that defines a lake formed in boilers glaciers of yore, by accumulating water from rain or snow in circuses glaciers of the Quaternary. Glacial lakes have food nivopluviala, which is  water from snowmelt and abundant in precipitation infiltrates the debris from the edge gradually ceded circuses and lakes. They emerged when the effect of warming, the glaciers in the mountains started sides. The huge amounts of ice mass, and it exerts the most drastic effect when the arguments in the mountains, gently sloping areas slows. In this case, under the pressure of the mass of ice carved out of rock cavity is created. The softer bedrock and overlying the higher the weight, the more will be deeper. These will be later in the bed of lakes. When the ice has completely melted, the beautiful crystal clear waters of the lake remains in place.