Rasnov Fortress

The historical monument Rasnov Fortress (Rosenau in German), is located on a rocky hilltop in the Carpathian Mountains, 650 ft. above the town of Rasnov. First mentioned in an official document in 1331, the fortress was built by Teutonic Knights as protection against invading Tartars and was later enlarged by the local Saxon population. It is one of the best-preserved fortified assemblies in Transylvania. The oldest structures preserved to date from the 14th century, probably on the site of the wooden fortification erected by the Teutonic Knights at the beginning of the 12th century. XIII. Strategically located on the commercial route linking the provinces of Transylvania and Walachia.

Rasnov Fortress controlled through its strategic position the access to Transylvania from Rașnoavei Valley . Due to the importance of the mountain passers to the south-Carpathian territories, the Bran road was militarily supervised and after the departure of the Teutonic knights, the Hungarian royalty entrusting the fortification from Rasnov to the knights of the Holy Cross order. They were subordinated either to the Szekler committee or to the Transylvanian voivode. Until the removal of the customs from Rucar to Bran and the construction of the Bran fortress to protect the royal customs at the end of the 14th century, Raşnov fortress was the first fortification near the Bran road, after entering Transylvania.

In the year 1427, the emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg visited the city of Rașnov, which he passed in the administration of the local community, to which he was awarded the fair status.